Safe Disassembly, 2015
16mm film transferred to HD video, colour, sound, 37.44 min
Safe Disassembly documents the careful dissection of cluster ammunition into individual components in a demilitarisation facility outside Berlin.
With the Convention on Cluster Munitions, an international treaty signed by 97 countries that ‘prohibits all use, stockpiling, production and transfer of Cluster Munitions’, vast numbers of this type of ammunition became obsolete. In a small village, two hours outside Berlin, the demilitarisation division of a Norwegian ammunition producer has established an operational facility for the disassembly of cluster ammunition. The division uses a former munitions factory of the GDR where missiles and grandes were serviced and produced for the GDR National People’s Army and the Russian Red Army. In order to disassemble large quantities of ammunition quickly and safely, the company had to developed special automated machinery. In contrast to most recycling procedures in which scrap material is ground, melted or otherwise decomposed, the dissection of cluster ammunition plays out as an inversion of the production process resembling an assembly line.
Safe Disassembly has been funded and co-produced by the Norwegian Artistic Reserach Fellowship Programme.